D.O.P.E. Talks

EP. 0 - Why So D.O.P.E.? A Short Introduction

Episode Summary

In this episode Rahaf reveals more about D.O.P.E. Talks and introduces herself by telling you a few things that contribute to her identity.

Episode Transcription

Salam, my name is Rahaf and you are listening to DOPE Talks. In today’s episode I would like to reveal more about this Podcast and introduce myself to you, by telling you a few things that contribute to my identity.

this is actually not my first attempt to record this introduction. After researching for DOPE talks my mind was distracted by the topics I want to handle, the guests I'd like to invite. And all the responsibility it entails to have a platform and listeners, It didn't occur to me that the hardest part would be talking about myself to you. So instead of just talking, I would like to draw you a picture.

Right now, I’m sitting in my living room in Berlin facing the window next to a wall full of black and white pictures. My favourite two pictures are a copy of the first-known sketch by Charles Darwin of an evolutionary tree with the words “I think” in his hand writing. The second picture is an arabic calligraphy of the word “Salam” which means peace, and that's because peace is something of great importance to me. This is where I am today, but let me tell you more about how I got here.

I´m Jordanian with Palestinian roots. And I'm saying this, because throughout my life I've been very often asked to specify whether I´m a “real Jordanian”, so I developed a habit of categorizing myself.

I was born and raised a muslim. And I used to cover my hair, now I don't anymore. Both of those decisions have been surely influenced by my surrounding society, but both are decisions I made on my own. Although I grew up in an extremely patriarchal society, I was lucky to have been raised by my grandfather, who didn’t completely deprive me of the freedom of being my own self. All my life I've been told that for a girl I argue too much and ask too many questions. what they never understood is that I don't argue, I debate. And I don't debate to win, I debate to understand. 

Where I come from, the idea of immigrating for a woman like me is usually not an option, definitely not if we are doing it alone and especially if we are leaving our society to live in a place like Europe. Yet my desire to leave has always been present. I just didn't dare to admit it. But eventually I dared to do it. I immigrated to Germany about 8 years ago for many reasons, some of those reasons might come up in one of our next topics.

I don't recall wanting to become an astronaut, a pilot or a princess, but I remember always wanting to speak another language and talk to those whom I don't understand. 

So I ended up studying German and English. After that I received a scholarship to do my Masters in European Studies here in Germany, this programme was for students from Jordan, Israel and Palestine. It was a cultural shock, my feelings at the beginning were a mix of awkwardness, fear of getting caught and feeling ashamed of myself, as if I am doing something wrong. It was generally a roller coaster ride. But most of all this program was one of the most remarkable experiences I had, this cultural shock was definitely not a negative experience and it taught me a big deal about myself.

I’m doing DOPE talks because I am curious and eager to understand things. Understand how things work, how our world functions, understand how people think and how they feel about things. And even though not everything is explainable yet, I would still like to ask why. This Podcast’s identity is as colourful as mine. 

My upbringing, my personal story, my immigration and the path I’ve chosen to walk down all left a strong mark on me. I attach a great importance to justice, freedom, equality, peace and knowledge for all. D.O.P.E Talks is my humble attempt to seek knowledge and share it with you, hoping this knowledge would lead to understanding. It is understanding that drove me to learn other languages, it's also understanding why I chose to do DOPE Talks in Englisch. Chances are, this is the only language you and I both have in common. 

Today, I have done all the talking. In the next episodes both you and I will be listening to personal and inspiring stories, and discussing a wide range of topics, from religious to scientific, and from social to political with someone who knows what the hell they're talking about.

I thank you very much for listening and would love to read your opinions, feedback and suggestions. 

Please support me by sharing and subscribing. 

Until next time, remember to keep an open mind, stay safe and stay tuned!